Learning is a life-long process.

2021-10-21 | Data Science logbook


(1) who can resist a beautiful graph embedded with a powerful story?

(2) one way to explore and inspire more life adventures.

(3) I love statistics.


Stage 1: 2021/10/21-2022/01/21

I will be learning data science through DATAQUEST everyday. Daily progress will be recorded here.

The goal of this stage is to establish a healthy learning habit

Stage 2: 2022/01/21-

I will be working on real-life projects to test the skills I've learned in the past three months.

Currently, I plan to analyze the single cell sequencing data from human and mice brains.


The short-term goal is to equip myself with enough knowledge and coding skills so that I can start working on projects.

The long-term goal is to continue updating my knowledge on statistics, machine learning , and neural network.